Feet and Inches Calculator

Feet and Inches Calculator

Feet and Inches Calculator Manual


The Feet and Inches Calculator is an online tool designed to facilitate the conversion and calculation of measurements in feet and inches. This is especially useful in regions that utilize the imperial system, where such measurements are commonly used in fields like construction, interior design, and personal height measurement.


This calculator is primarily used to:

  1. Add, subtract, multiply, or divide measurements in feet and inches.
  2. Convert mixed measurements to a uniform unit (all inches or all feet).
  3. Calculate the required materials’ length in interior design or construction planning.
  4. Measure the height of individuals, lengths of objects, or any dimension in feet and inches.


The calculator operates on the principle of unit conversion based on the relationship that 1 foot equals 12 inches. It converts all feet into inches for the calculation and then converts the results back into feet and inches.


The calculator uses the following mathematical formulas for unit conversion and operations:

  1. Conversion of inches to feet:

    \[​\text{feet} = \frac{\text{inches}}{12}\]

  1. Addition and subtraction of feet and inches:

    • Addition:

          \[(a\ \text{ft} + b\ \text{in}) + (c\ \text{ft} + d\ \text{in}) = (a+c)\ \text{ft} + (b+d)\ \text{in}\]

    • Subtraction:

          \[(a\ \text{ft} + b\ \text{in}) - (c\ \text{ft} + d\ \text{in}) = (a-c)\ \text{ft} + (b-d)\ \text{in}\]

  2. Multiplication and division of feet and inches:

    • Multiplication:

          \[(a\ \text{ft} + b\ \text{in}) - (c\ \text{ft} + d\ \text{in}) = (a-c)\ \text{ft} + (b-d)\ \text{in}\]

    • Division:

          \[(a\ \text{ft} + b\ \text{in}) \div n = \left(\frac{a}{n}\right)\ \text{ft} + \left(\frac{b}{n}\right)\ \text{in}\]

    Here, represent the feet and inches of the first value, represent the feet and inches of the second value, and is the number for multiplication or division.

Button Descriptions

  • Calculate: After entering both values (Value 1 and Value 2) and selecting an operation (add, subtract, multiply, divide), press this button to execute the calculation and display the result.
  • Add (+): Selecting this button will perform addition.
  • Subtract (-): Selecting this button will perform subtraction.
  • Multiply (×): Selecting this button will perform multiplication.
  • Divide (÷): Selecting this button will perform division.

Calculation Logic

  1. Input Processing: The values entered for feet and inches are first converted to pure inches for the purpose of calculation.
  2. Mathematical Operations: Depending on the operation selected by the user, the converted inch values are added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided.
  3. Output Processing: The result is then converted back to feet and inches for display. If the inch result is 12 or more, the calculator automatically converts these inches into feet and adjusts the feet value accordingly.

Interface Features

  • Value Input Fields: Users enter the feet and inches in these fields.
  • Operation Selector: Comprising four buttons, this allows the user to select the type of operation they wish to perform.
  • Result Display: This is where the calculated result is displayed, in the format of “X ft Y in,” where “X” represents feet and “Y” represents inches.

Example Usage

  1. To perform addition:

    • In “Value 1”, input 5 feet 11.65 inches.
    • Select the addition operator (+).
    • In “Value 2”, input 5 feet 11.65 inches.
    • Press “Calculate”.
    • The result will display as 11 feet 11.3 inches.
  2. To perform division:

    • In “Value 1”, input 5 feet 11.65 inches.
    • Select the division operator (÷).
    • Enter the number you wish to divide by in “Value 2”.
    • Press “Calculate”.
    • The result will show in feet and inches, indicating the quotient.

Additional Notes

  • The calculator can handle decimal inch inputs, which allows for precise calculations that are not limited to whole inches.
  • If the resulting inches exceed 12, the calculator will automatically convert these inches to feet for a proper feet and inches expression.
  • It is recommended to double-check the input values for accuracy before calculating to ensure the results are as expected.
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